MREC Conference
Title: The 46th Annual Rural Energy Conference & National Agricultural Electric Code Seminar
Date: February 28-29
Location: Radisson Hotel, La Crosse, WI
- Introduction to USDA-NRCS Web-Based Energy Self Assessment Tools, Stefanie Aschmann
- RPS-Wisconsin Renewable Portfolio Standard Planning Perspectives, Rob Benninghoff, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
- WPSC-Wisconsin Renewable Portfolio Standard Planning Perspectives, Rob Benninghoff, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
- The WAVERIDER, Erik Brom, Bill Roberts and Jim Biesterveld, Stray Voltage Testing, LLC.
- Iowa RPS, Renewable Portfolio Standards, Bill Johnson, Biofuels Development, Alliant Energy
- Lighting and Livestock Waterer On-line Energy Assessment Tools, Jennifer Brinker, GDS Associates, Inc.
- Farm Wiring Programs and Transmission Underbuild Issues, Mark A. Cook, General Manager, REPS PSCW
- IEEE Working Group on Voltages at Publicly and Privately, Accessible Locations, 2008 Activity Update, Chuck DeNardo, Principal Engineer We Energies, IEEE Working Group Chair
- Stray Voltage Meta-Analysis: Need, Methods and Challenges, Linda S. Erdreich, Ph.D., Exponent
- Solar-Thermal-Calculator, Energy Self Assessment: Renewable Energy, Jeannette LeBoyer, UW-Madison
- CHEMICAL$ & Fuels from Biomass, Norm Olson P.E., BECON Facility, Biomass Energy CONversion, Iowa Energy Center
- Meeting Renewable Energy Portfolio Goals: Minnesota Power’s Perspective, Paul Johnson, Renewable Energy Project Development Manager, Minnesota Power, an ALLETE Company.
- Irrigation-grain-drying, Energy Self Assessment Tools, Scott Sanford, Sr. Outreach Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Greenhouse-potato-storage, Energy Self Assessment Tools, Scott Sanford, Sr. Outreach Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- The CIG Energy Self Assessment Tool Collaboration, Schultz, Focus on Energy
- NRCS Energy Efficiency Tools: Dairy and Beef Operations, Joseph M. Schultz, GDS Associates, Inc./Focus on Energy – Energy Analyst
- RPS, Renewable Energy Objectives/Standards, Steve Schultz, Otter Tail Power Company
- Renewable Energy Portfolios, Chris VandeVenter, Legislative Representative, Basin Electric Power Cooperative
- Considerations for > 400a Service on Rural Distribution, Nick Veverka, Allient Energy