Peer Reviewed Paper on Renewable Energy and Carbon Neutrality in Dairy Farms
(Posted July 1, 2022)
This paper analyses the economic and environmental feasibility of solar PV and anaerobic digestion to achieve carbon neutrality goals on a dairy farm in Wisconsin. The paper is published on the Energies Journal, is open source, and you can download for free HERE.
Stray Voltage Investigation Course on the News!
Listen to Doug Reinemann on an interview by the Midwest Farm Report – Madison, where he talks about Stray Voltage and presents details on our 2021 Courses on Stray Voltage Investigation
Virtual Fencing Research
(Posted March 5, 2021)
Virtual fence (VF) neckbands are being studied as a way to contain cows within a designated area without the need for physical fencing using a paired audio tone and electrical pulse. Here are abstracts of five articles published in 2020 and 2021 on VF technology. These publications are just a selection of the ongoing research on this topic and highlights the positive impacts of predictable and controllable electrical stimulus on animal agriculture.
Updated Chapter on Stray Voltage in the Merck Veterinary Manual
(Posted March 2, 2021)
The chapter in the Merck Veterinary manual on stray voltage and animal housing was been updated in February 2021. The Merck manual has been a trusted provider of veterinary information since 1955. The manual is now published on-line with access open to all. In addition to the chapter on stray voltage, it contains a wealth of information on other health conditions for farm animals. The entries are concise and expressed in a way to be accessible to the non-veterinary audience. It’s a great source to find out more about animal health issues.
Rural Electrification in the News
The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers dedicated a historic plaque on April 11, 2019, to celebrate a historic event in rural electrification. In the 1920’s the Alabama Power Company installed a rural electric line that provided service to ten farms, a cotton gin, and a dairy. They then met with the head of Auburn University’s Agricultural Engineering Department, Mark Nichols, to discuss rural electrification. The plaque commemorates the establishment of the first cooperative program for rural electrification between a power company and an agricultural engineering department. Read more here.