MREC Conference
Title: The 42nd Annual Rural Energy Conference & Pre-conference Seminar
Date: March 3-5, 2004
Location: Ramada Inn Convention Center; Eau Claire, WI
- Break-out Sessions Summary
- The Anatomy of a Stray Voltage / Earth Current Trial from an Engineer’s Perspective, Chuck DeNardo, We Energies
- Stray Voltage Handout, Chuck Forster, Phasor Labs
- Stray Voltage Presentation, Chuck Forster, Phasor Labs
- Handout, Stray Voltage and Dairy Farms, NRAES-149, Dick Reines
- Distributed Generation Interconnection Rules, Doug Larson, Vice President, Power System Engineering, Inc.
- Stray Voltage and Water for Dairy Cattle, A Veterinarian’s Perspective, John R. Roberts, DVM, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
- Stray Voltage Education, A Veterinarian’s Perspective, John R. Roberts, DVM, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
- Iowa State University Energy Research Update, J.D. Harmon, Ph.D., P.E., Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- A Perspective on the Future of Wind in the U.S., John Seymour, FPL Energy
- Energy Conservation in Dairy Enterprises, Scott Sanford, Senior Outreach Specialist, Biological Systems Engineering University of Wisconsin –Madison
- Energy Conservation in Irrigation, Crop Storage & Lighting, Scott Sanford, Sr. Outreach Specialist University of Wisconsin Focus on Energy / Rural Energy Issues
- Thermal Energy Efficiency, Grain Drying, Greenhouses, Maple Syrup Production, Water Heating, Scott Sanford, Sr. Outreach Specialist, University of Wisconsin –Madison
- Electric Fencing – A Valuable Management Tool, Tom Cadwallader, Agricultural Development Agent, UW-Extension, Lincoln and Marathon Counties
- Electrical Fencer Installations, Tom Seidl
- Stray Voltage and Dairy Farms (NRAES 149)