MREC Conference
Title: The 45th Annual Rural Energy Conference & National Agricultural Electric Code Seminar
Date: February 22-23
Location: Holiday Inn St. Paul East, St. Paul, MN
- Activities of the IEEE Working Group on Voltages at Publicly and Privately Accessible Locations, Chuck DeNardo, Principal Engineer We Energies, IEEE Working Group Chair
- The Changing Demographics of the Rural Midwest, Gary Green, University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extension
- Ethanol, Putting it All together, Paul Harrison
- Ethanol Coops, Western Wisconsin Renewable Energy Cooperative, Organizing farmer ownership or How did we get to where we are…, Jim Faust, UWEX Ag Agent
- Electric and Gas Loads for Ethanol Plants, John Kayser, PE-Team Leader, Delivery System Planning, Alliant Energy
- Minnesota Wind Integration Study, Ken Wolf, Reliability Administrator, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, Matt Schuerger, Technical Advisor to the MN Public Utilities Commission
- SV Meas-PMI ProVision, Basic Features, Peter Enstrom, We-Energies
- SV Meas-PMI Custom Tools
- DC Transient, Transient Measurements-In animal environments, Chuck Forster, Phasor Labs
- DC Sensitivity, Review of Research on DC Electrical Exposure, Douglas J. Reinemann, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Trans Underbuild, Mark Cook, PSCW, Robert Fick, Alliant Energy, Richard Reines, PSCW
- SV Trial, Using Daubert, if you can, to challenge the admissibility of “junk science” in stray voltage cases Daubert, Rodrick W. Lewis, DVM, JD, Warner Norcross & Judd LLP
- Summary of USDA Handbook 696, Source and Cow Circuit Components, Cow Resistance, Contact Resistance, Measurement Methods, Cow Sensitivity
- Contact Voltage Detection, Principle Engineer Chuck DeNardo & Senior Engineer David Nestler, We Energies
- Focus on Energy Farm Case Studies, Jennifer Hermans, Energy Advisor
- Introduction to RETScreen, Energy and Economic Analysis (Part I), Wind Power Systems (Large and Small), Jeannette LeBoyer, Land Resources, Energy Analysis and Policy Program, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin- Madison
- RETScreen Combined Heat and Power Project Analysis
- Introduction to RETScreen, Energy and Economic Analysis (Part II), Solar Power for On-Grid and Off-Grid Applications, Jeannette LeBoyer, Land Resources, Energy Analysis and Policy Program, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin- Madison
- RETScreen Passive Solar Heating Project Analysis
- RETScreen Solar Air Heating Project Analysis
- RETScreen Solar Water Heating Project Analysis
- Review of Public and Private Organizations and Programs Working on Rural Energy Issues and Renewable Energy Development, (Almost) Everything you every wanted to know about energy organizations: A guide for the perplexed, Jeannette LeBoyer, Land Resources, Energy Analysis and Policy Program, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin- Madison